What The Experts Are Saying About LXV

Congrats, you have found the secret page! This is a fun little post meant to be a funny bit of run up to the LXV unveiling in January of 2015.

Please know that this is all in jest and none of the following quotes were actually said by the people involved (even the one's by my mom)

"LXV? It's going to be Legen ... Wait for it ... No seriously wait for it. Just keep waiting, he's not releasing it until January." - Barney Stinson, How I Met Your Runner

"etrainLXV is like Machiavelli meets ... Christmas." - Dwight K. Schrute, The USATF Office

"The reason the IOC is considering getting rid of the 200m and 10k in the Olympics is to make room for etrainLXV. Also we have no respect for track and field."- Spokesperson for the International Olympic Committee

"I have a restraining order against you. That means you have to leave me alone." - Robby Andrews, Professional Runner and great friend of Jarrett Felix, regardless of what he or his lawyers try to tell you.

"LXV is probably just an ode to etrain's man crush on the Hoeys. So I don't really care." - Anonymous therealtrain reader

"I am hoping that it is an indepth analysis of the Lebanon-Lancaster League. I think we would all benefit from that." - Penntrack's own Jim Dillner

"Whatever it is I'll read it! I go on his sight everyday and love his stuff!"- the only person who reads therealtrain, AKA Jarrett's Mom

"I'm glad I finally won a state championship, but I would gladly give that up for a sneak preview at etrainLXV."- Ross Wilson, Council Rock North Class of 2014

"Shut up Ross." - Ben Furcht, Jeff Wiseman and Kevin James

"Guys seriously, I'm not Coach Kelly ... wait what was the question?" - RJJL

"I'm super excited for both this hill workout in the snow and the release of etrainLXV!" - said by no one ever

"Considering I have 5 state championships, I'd probably be willing to trade a couple just to learn what the heck the LXV means. Then maybe use another one to figure out where the heck etrain comes from. Seriously, his name is Jarrett Felix, it makes no sense." - Tony Russell, West Chester Henderson Class of 2014

"Already seriously, it's not funny anymore." - Zach Hebda, Rad Gunzenhauser and 95% of runners in general

"I think the LXV stands for how old etrain will be turning in January. Like seriously how old is this kid? Doesn't he have any other hobbies? How does he have a girlfriend ..." - What everyone is wondering


  1. Why is some random kid posting on a blog pretending to be zach brehm
    -zach brehm

  2. How am I related to LXV, it sounds like it could be my initials
    -Lukas Verzbicas(National high school two mile record holder)

  3. This better not be about hurdles or pole vault.

  4. Apologizes to Tony who I just realized has 6 state championships

  5. No, he traded one to figure out why PA Don't Play didn't post for a month
