
Hey guys just figured I'd establish this real quick. EtrainCRN is not my account, it's Forrest's. I don't really want to be associated with this fight on the forum. I know he is upset with penntrack behavior and things like that but I really don't have any issues so I just don't want there to be confusion. Sure, their approach is different than mine and I would have loved to feel like they appreciated the blog and maybe gotten a chance to write for them, but that's not the case. I would not be able to do any of what I do without penntrack and I appreciate their data. I also respect Forrest as he is my friend and teammate and has given a lot to the sport.

So again, that fight is NOT ME and I don't want it to be represented that way. Sorry if that disappoints some of you but I just thought it had to be cleared up so people were not getting a different picture of me. Also I have never been offered a chance to work for Penntrack. The only chance I had was in 2010 when I did a write up for the Paul Short meet.

Thanks friends.

EDIT: On a more positive note, I have now updated my splits post to include the splits that I took for all 12 teams, still missing a lot of names to go with those splits, however.


  1. Where is this under?

  2. Henderson results are up

  3. when can we expect this top 50 list?

    1. Sorry folks I've been relocating to NYC, I ought to have the start of it up over the next two days
