If At First You Don't Succeed ...

Well we tried this during cross and it didn't work, but I don't like to think of myself as quitter so let's run it back!

I am once again, officially, challenging our friends at PennTrackXC to a prediction contest for the state championship. This time it's for indoor states. No idea what the rules would be, but if you are interested we can discuss.

We have a new webmaster over there in Dan Beck now that Lex is doing big things at the armory (was just there for an amazing experience). Beck is a fellow Lehigh Valley collegiate (like me), a fan of the Etrain page on Facebook (like me) and graduated from a district one high school in 2010 (like me). And his roommate dated my girlfriend's roommate's best friend! So we are practically related.

Let's have the prediction contest everybody wants to see. My email is jarrettfelix1130@gmail.com.

Mic drop.


  1. Anyone have results for state college invite or TSTCA meet? Didn't see them up yet

  2. Nice try Etrain but your 'his-roommate-dated-my-girlfriend's-roommate's-best friend,-in-law' probably won't be allowed. They've always been a little only concerned with 0-100 over there. It would be good for the sport if they jumped in, but don't hold your breath.
